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If you are requiring mechanized cleaning solutions for your business establishments & manufacturing units then this blog will present you with some beneficial ideas about what is mechanized cleaning? & how it will help you keep your premises dust-free efficiently.

A decade ago, the predominant solution to keep the place hygienic was to use traditional laborious methods of cleaning by hand & using manual tools. Mechanized solutions were not prominent then. With the advent of mechanized cleaning machines, the cleaning industry has evolved a lot and maintaining hygienic environment is extremely simple. With mechanized cleaning; it’s quite easy to perform the task with uniformity across.

What is mechanised cleaning?

The process of removing dirt/debris from the surface with the help of cleaning equipment which supports enhanced cleaning performance, lesser human effort and more efficiency.

Roots Multiclean Ltd, India’s first and largest mechanized cleaning equipment manufacturer offers wide range of mechanized cleaning solutions for manufacturing industries like Cement Industry, Food Processing Industry, and Pharmaceuticals Industries etc.

2. Food processing industry

When it comes to Food processing industries, cleaning is essential in the production, preparation and manufacture of food. Negligence of cleaning can lead to increase risks to both staffs and customers. Effective cleaning and sanitation can be achieved through mechanised cleaning which prevent from bacteria and other viral infections.

To maintain clean and hygiene environment our wide range of Scrubber Driers, High Pressure Jets, and Steam Cleaners are used to achieve the high degree of cleanliness in indoor premises.

For vacuuming indoor floors, our walk – Behind and Ride – On Scrubber Driers ensures effective cleaning of aisles and corners. Excellent view and easy guidance of control panel help to handle the scrubber drier machine effectively.

To clean large bowls in food industries, Our specially designed Heavy – Duty High Pressure Jet and Steam Cleaner which ensures the excellent cleaning results and look alike as a renewed one.

It is also necessary to maintain the cleanliness for outdoor premises. Our specially designed RootsSweep RB120 GEN – NXT ride on machine powered with impeccable features like Hydraulic dumping system, CAN Bus control with display, Variable drive speed and Dust suppression system.